


Yukio 是 1979 年首位获准在澳大利亚执业的日本律师,他是 H & H Lawyers 的创始人。 Yukio 最初在 Baker & McKenzie 从事法律工作,随后在 Freehill Hollingdale & Page(现为 Herbert Smith Freehills)的商业团队工作。 1984 年,他成为 Freehill Hollingdale & Page 的合伙人,为众多日本公司提供商业和公司法方面的法律咨询。 Yukio 在各种商业交易中为客户提供建议,擅长的专业领域包括收购与合并、税务、房地产、拟定商业合同、公司结构以及公司管理。 在过去的40 年里,Yukio 曾为许多澳大利亚和日本的政府机构和公营企业、私营公司、成功的中小型企业和个人提供法律咨询服务。



  • 为上市和非上市的日本公司在澳大利亚投资,就有关公司结构和税务方面提供法律咨询

  • 为上市和非上市的日本公司就收购悉尼、布里斯班和墨尔本的大型商业建筑和工业物业提供法律意见,为买卖双方提供法律服务,包括与融资人就财产的担保权益进行谈判和联络

  • 为上市和非上市的日本公司就收购和出售在澳大利亚大型公司和商业资产提供法律咨询

  • 为贷款人和借款人就所有金融交易提供法律咨询,包括无担保银团贷款、主权风险贷款以及担保贷款

  • 为日本金融机构和日本土地协会就澳大利亚各州和领地的土地所有权制度以及贷方可能发行的各类型证券,提供法律咨询并综合报告

  • 为澳大利亚公司就以最小化成本为目标的撤资,在使用公司安排契约以及制定退出战略上提供法律建议

  • 就为开发高尔夫球锦标场而收购土地,会员架构和融资事宜提供法律咨询


  • Bachelor of Laws, University of New South Wales

  • Bachelor of Jurisprudence, University of New South Wales


  • The Law Society of NSW

  • Japanese Society of Sydney Inc

  • Japan Club of Sydney


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The new Director Identification Number regime (DIN) commenced on 1 Nov 2021

What is it and how do I apply for it? Background The Federal Government is in the process of rolling out the Modernising Business Registers (‘MBR’) program. The MBR will put together various ASIC registers and the Australian Business Register, and establish the new Australian Business Registry Services (ABRS) As a part of the MBR program, the Directors Identification Number (‘DIN’) is introduced. From November 2021, directors of a company, registered foreign company, registered Australian body or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporation are required to apply for their DINs. When you need to apply You can apply for a DIN from November 2021. If you are planning on becoming a director, you can apply before you are appointed. When you must apply for your DIN depends on the date you become a director. Date you become a director Date you must apply On or before 31October 2021 By 30November 2022 Between 1November 2021 and 4April 2022 Within 28 days of the appointment From 5April 2022 Before appointment Please note that there may be civil or criminal penalties and/or you may be issued with an infringement notice if you do not meet your obligation to apply within the above timeframe. How do I apply for the DIN? Directors must apply for their DIN themselves because they need to verify their identity. No one can apply on their behalf. To apply for DIN, the most convenient way would be by using myGovID. The myGovID app is available from the Apple App Store or Google Play. Have your ID documents/information ready and follow through with the instructions within the app – you should be able to set up your myGovID without difficulties. If for some reason you cannot set up a myGovID, you may apply by phone or with a paper form. Once you have set up your myGovID, you can complete your application for a DIN online atABRS website What ID documents/information would I need to provide? To set up myGovID, you will needat least two of the followingAustralianidentity documents: driver’s licence or learner’s permit passport (not more than three years expired) birth certificate visa (using your foreign passport) citizenship certificate ImmiCard Medicare card. You will also need to have the following ID information that matches the information kept at the ATO: your tax file number (TFN) your residential address as held by the ATO information from two documents, such as: Bank account details Notice of assessment Super account details Dividend statement Centrelink payment summary PAYG payment summary I do not have sufficient ID documents/information. What do I do? If you are not an Australian citizen, non-resident director, the chances are that you do not have most of the abovementioned ID documents/information. If you do not have sufficient ID documents/information, you would have to apply with a paper form attachingcertified copiesof one primary and one secondary identity document. Primary documents Foreign birth certificate Foreign passport Secondary documents National photo identification card Foreign government identification Driver’s licence, as long as the licence address matches the address details on your application Marriage certificate, but if you use this document to verify your change of name, you can’t use it as a secondary document. If you have changed your name, you must provide another document showing the change, such as a: marriage certificate deed poll change of name certificate. Please note that if your identity documents are not written in English, you must arrange for them to be translated into English by an approved translation service (such as NAATI - National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters) and certified as a true and correct copy. How do I certify my documents outside Australia? The following people are authorised to certify your identity documents outside Australia: notary publics staff at your nearest Australian embassy, high commission or consulate, including consulates headed by Austrade honorary consuls. An authorised certifier must, in the presence of the applicant, certify that each copy is a true and correct copy of the original document. This involves: sighting the original document stamping, signing and annotating the copy of the identity document to state, ‘I have sighted the original document and certify this to be a true and correct copy of the original document sighted' initialling each page listing their name, date of certification, phone number and position. Disclaimer: The contents of this publication are general in nature and do not constitute legal advice. The information may have been obtained from external sources and we do not guarantee the accuracy or currency of the information at the date of publication or in the future. Please obtain legal advice specific to your circumstances before taking any action on matters discussed in this publication.

03 Nov 2021


临时工 vs 正式工

2020年5月20日,澳大利亚联邦法院全席法庭对WorkPac Pty Ltd v Rossato一案作出判决。 此案聚焦并围绕劳务派遣公司WorkPac Pty Ltd(以下简称 “WorkPac”)和Robert Rossato (以下简称“Rossato”)之间的雇佣关系进行展开。该公司派遣Rossato先生到Glencore公司名下两处位于昆士兰州的矿山工作。Rossato先生作为临时员工 (casual employee)工作的三年半期间,签订的是滚动合同(rolling contract)。作为一名临时员工,他在工资的基础上还获得了25%的额外报酬 - 这是为了弥补临时员工未能享有类似年假等福利的通常做法。 澳大利亚联邦法院全席法庭驳回 WorkPac 认为Rossato先生是临时员工的主张,判定他属于正式员工(permanent employee)。联邦法院基于以下理据,做出上述判决:Rossato先生的工作性质是 “定期(regular)、稳定(certain)、连续(continuing)、持续性(constant)” ,而且有事先被告知工作日程。 Rossato先生有资格享受根据《2009年公平工作法》(Fair Work Act 2009 Cth)和企业协议(Enterprise Agreement)中全国就业标准(National Employment Standards - NES)所规定正式员工应享有的福利,其中包括带薪年假,个人病假/照顾者假,丧病假及法定公共假日等。 这一判决对于雇佣临时员工的雇主,无论是通过直接雇用、外包劳务、转包等不同的雇佣途径,都是不能忽视的重要判决。对于该判决,联邦政府可能会采取干预措施或向最高法院提出上诉,但是在判决发生改变之前,雇主现在应该仔细审查与临时员工之间的雇佣安排,更新与临时员工的合同条款。雇主应重新考量与劳务派遣公司以及派遣员工之间的关系,特别需要注意以下三点: 雇主应该进行阶段性审查与临时员工的雇佣安排,并考虑与临时雇佣相比,兼职或固定期限等其他形式的雇佣关系是否更加合适。 如果临时雇佣关系仍然适用,雇主应该注意合同中是否单独列明临时员工会获得额外报酬,由于临时员工不享受全国就业标准(NES)以及正式员工的应享福利。我们建议雇主与临时员工签署一份声明,表明如果之后被认定为正式雇佣关系,雇主有权要求员工退还之前所获得的额外报酬。 我们建议雇主至少每年定期审查临时雇佣合同。以评估该合同下的雇佣关系是否会被认定为工作日程稳定并且持续的雇佣关系。 如果您认为WorkPac Pty Ltd v Rossato的判决结果,会对您公司现有员工的工作安排有所影响,或者在处理与员工之间的雇佣关系上需要专业的法律意见,请与我们联络。

24 Jun 2020